
Partridge island and Parrsboro First Beach.

Partridge Island Low tide

The traveller is immersed in a distinctive coastal landscape as they stroll around Partridge Island. The “Island,” which is actually a peninsula with cliffs on either side, has volcanic origins. It has cliffs and rock formations with fascinating patterns, as well as minerals and sporadic semi-precious stones like amethyst. Partridge Island is located across the 8 km-wide Minas Strait from the magnificent headlands of Blomidon and Cape Split. Through this small opening, the Minas Basin receives and discharges an estimated 20 billion tonnes of water per tide cycle.

This is a moderate hike, 2-4 hours approx

How to find it?

When arriving in Parrsboro, continue driving along Main Street, Past Ships company and continue onto Whitehall road for about 4km You will see the Ottawa House Museum. Drive down the side of Ottawa House, and park on the Bar, you will see Partridge island in front of you.


begin the walk at least a couple of hours before low tide. From the gravel bar, bear right and follow the cliffs and slope’s base. Proceed around the island counter clockwise. The cliffs on your left begin very high and gradually go lower. You can primarily stay on the beaches if the tide is out. But, as you near the halfway mark, you might need to climb over a few of the granite ledges. until you reach your starting location, keep going for another 1-2 kilometres. Bring warm clothing, as it may be cool.


Parrsboro First Beach

Parrsboro is transformed by its ever changing tides. from ocean to sea floor. Parrsboro used to have ocean going ships. nowadays it’s more lobster boats and recreation crafts. At high tide the water is deep. At low tides you can walk on the ocean floor, exploring the tidal pools.

The tides come into the harbour quickly, VERY quickly. Always be watching for the tides coming in. As with all combinations of ricks and water they can be slippery. So be careful.

This is a leisurely hike, 1-3 hours about 2km

How to find it?

Drive towards Fundy Geological Museum, take Pier road (the next read past the museums entrance) The beach is at the end of the road. If your car gets wet you have gone too far. 🙂


The Parrsboro harbour tide completely drains out. so arrive about an hour before low tide. Begin at the parking area meander towards the light house a river runs between, you can usually get across and back. You can walk along the beach. enjoy. But be very aware of your surroundings. the Tide come back in VERY Quickly. and the rocks can be slippery. wear appropriate clothing.